Let's Get Started

We are a family. We employ our friends.
We treat our customers like both. We’d to rent you linens.

Let’s iron out the details of your linen rentals (see what I did there?). We’ll want the basic stuff (name, email, phone, etc) and then tell us about you & your event. Are you looking for a formal affair? Thinking rustic elegance? Do you just LOVE purple and want to include that in the linens? Are you completely lost and need to know where to start? We’ve got you covered (literally, tablecloth covers).

Exterior Photo


Assuming you can get yourself to serene Rochester VT (the internet is a beautiful thing). You'll find the Village Grocery in the center of town on Route 100.  You can park here and walk across Route 100.  We're in a tan building with white trim.  Walk down the alleyway (past the front porch) and our entrance is on the left side of the building. If you have any questions please call (802) 767-3272 and we can come find you.  See you soon!

Vermont Bride and Groom
Photo Credit: Maine Mountain Media